‘Funding Your Way’:a fundraising guide

Sufficient funding is the foundation for good quality, sustainable childcare. Making the effort to think consistently and creatively about fundraising opportunities is what can put your club on the road to long term success.

(To view the guide full screen & download click on the pop-out arrow in the top right, then to download.)

This is BAND’s free guide to help you fund raise more effectively.

Also, you can visit our

 extensive index of funders updated every year.

Think creatively about Funding
The parents of children attending your setting and government funding agencies are certainly worthwhile funding sources to explore, but just as valid and lucrative are local opportunities for funding. Some examples include:

  • Fundraising from local businesses;
  • Charitable trusts and foundations;
  • Community trusts and foundations;
  • Local fundraising events and projects
  • Individual giving.

In fundraising, resourcefulness and imagination matter just as much as good business sense. These pages are designed to help childcare settings and youth organisations access various funding streams and explore new fundraising ideas.

The most important thing to remember when raising funds is to plan ahead. There are very few ways of raising substantial funding in a short space of time, so organise yourselves, allocate funders and plan ahead.