Funding – lists of funders and practical advice for childcare groups.

Funding pages - 3 girls sit in a cardboard box as if they were setting out on adventure in a sailing boat

Finding the Right Funding for Your Project

Finding and securing funding is vital part of life for many organisations,
whether it be to support daily operations,  to run a special project or  to raise awareness for an important cause. Finding the right funder can be challenging, but we’re here to help.

Our website provides a comprehensive, curated list of charitable funders, catering to projects of all shapes and sizes. Whether you need a small grant or substantial financial backing, our resources cover a wide range of funding opportunities.

BAND offers practical advice and support for childcare providers seeking funding. To make your search easier, we have compiled a detailed Funders Index. This regularly updated resource includes essential information on current funding opportunities, application processes and eligibility criteria along with the contact details.

As well as connecting you with funders, we provide expert guidance on fundraising strategies. Our funding guidance booklet offers practical tips on planning and implementing successful fundraising efforts. Whether you’re applying for grants, organising community fundraising events or seeking sponsorships, our resources can help you secure the financial support you need.

These resources are free for anyone to use but if  you are a BAND  member and you need further support, BAND is here to help-  get in touch on

Explore our resources and start securing the funding your project needs today!

Explore Our Fundraising Resources:



This is BAND’s list of organisations that award grants and funds in the UK. It contains information on potential donors large & small. This is a resource for anyone to use &…

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Sufficient funding is the foundation for good quality, sustainable childcare. Making the effort to think consistently and creatively about fundraising opportunities is what can put your club on the road to long term success.

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A title panel for sports funder borderd by drawings of sports equipment


SPORTS FUNDERS & SPORTS FUNDING FOR CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES This page is a list of organisations who will consider sports project funding for children and young people, the list includes support for specific…

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IT funders header image Two young boys concentrate while playing a game of chess, and black and white photo from the 1980's


Funders Index: IT Funders IT funders: This part of our directory of funding organisations contains information about groups that can offer assistance with IT funding. Charities looking to enhance their use of…

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PLAYGROUND PROJECT FUNDERS Successful playground projects need inventive funding solutions. Some of the very best projects draw on several sources of funding. This list of playground project funders is not exhaustive, but…

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Support BAND’s work

Support BAND’s work £10 could pay for new books or toys for BAND’s Free Loaning Resource Library £20 could purchase  sensory equipment for disabled children £100 could help pay for our free…

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Inclusive Aerial Workshops 2022

Inclusive Aerial Workshops 2022…   BAND were excited to be back partnering with Nix Barnaville at Engage Circus this Summer, to provide Inclusive Trapeze Workshops for settings supporting children with SEND. We…

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