What’s Happening? Explore the wonders of the Japanese imagination! The Japan Peace Project is a set of resources, activities & learning experiences, carefully developed & selected to introduce children to the fascinating…
Bristol based BAND members can borrow toys and equipment from our collection and books from our Library. We can lend sports, arts and craft activities for indoors and outdoors collection of loan equipment. A £50 returnable deposit per item is required loan equipment. (cash or cheque, cheques are not banked).
A £10 returnable deposit is required loan books.(cash or cheque, cheques are not banked). It is advisable to book in advance, especially during school holidays. You can borrow 6 books and 4 items of equipment at any one time. To book, please contact the office on: 0117 954 2128 or email admin@bandltd.org.uk.
What’s Happening? Explore the wonders of the Japanese imagination! The Japan Peace Project is a set of resources, activities & learning experiences, carefully developed & selected to introduce children to the fascinating…
Each of our books has been selected by a BAND member of staff, and our library covers all areas of play work and children’s day care. From how to deal with difficult issues to finance and administration to inspiring play ideas, we’ve usually got a book to help.
Resources to borrow: Giant Jenga, Batik kits, Kwik Cricket Sets, Parachutes, Quadro Sets, Badge, Keyring and Magnet Makers, Giant Snakes and Ladders, High School Musical Twister, Mehendi, Hula Hoops of different sizes, Badminton Kit and much more….