Getting started
Looking to start a new childcare business in Bristol? We can help. BAND can offer advice and guidance around the entire process of setting up a new childcare business, group or provision,…
Looking to start a new childcare business in Bristol? We can help. BAND can offer advice and guidance around the entire process of setting up a new childcare business, group or provision,…
Bristol based BAND members can borrow toys and equipment from our collection and books from our Library. We can lend sports, arts and craft activities for indoors and outdoors collection of loan equipment….
BAND Newsletter The newsletter for Bristol’s Play & Childcare workers. Read some articles from our back issues on the BAND blog: BAND News, our newsletter, is published six times a year, in…
DBS Checks BAND offers Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks to our Full & Affiliated member groups, for paid or voluntary staff working with either children or young people and vulnerable adults….
Even with ‘the best laid plans’ things can still go wrong. Should this happen BAND are here to support and advise members, through personal visits or over the telephone. We can also…
BAND strives to have a pivotal role in monitoring feedback and networking information to/from our members groups and relevant agencies at a local, regional, national and international level. BAND publishes a bi-monthly…
What is The Bristol Standard? Originally developed by Bristol City Council in 1996, The Bristol Standard is a self evaluation framework that supports all settings to develop and improve the quality and…