Bristol City Council’s Families in Focus, Social Care and First Response Teams.

Dear Friends, please find below details we’ve received about continuing services from Bristol City Council’s Families in Focus, Social Care and First Response Teams.

Bristol City Council Families in Focus Team

Families in Focus is continuing to operate as normally as we can do during these unsettled times. We are moving from face to face to telephone and online contact, but our Strengthening Families Team and Family Support Workers are doing their best to continue to offer support to families across the area. As a team, we are still accepting new referrals and are working out ways to find alternative ways of ensuring that Team Around the Family and Team Around Schools meetings carry on virtually.

As always, if anyone would like information or advice, please feel free to call us on: 0117 352 1499 or by email at

Bristol City Council Social Care Team

The North Social Care Team are, as far as possible, continuing to deliver their statutory services. Most meetings are being arranged virtually, but some face to face meetings will still go ahead on an individually risk assessed basis.

Bristol City Council First Response

First Response is continuing to operate as usual with a possibly reduced service depending on their day to day staffing. They are currently stable, but people should anticipate possible delays where they may be working with reduced staffing levels.If you need to report your concerns about a child as a member of the public, contact the First Response Team on 0117 903 6444. If calling outside of normal working hours, call the Emergency Duty Team on 01454 615 165.

Professionals working with children should complete the First Response form to report their concerns. Information around this can be found within the following link:

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