Discretionary Business Grant
Deadline to apply for this grant has been extended to Sunday 19 July 2020 at midnight.
Nurseries are eligible to apply to Bristol City Council for these grants, even if they are in receipt of FEEE.
The eligibility is for any business (charity, Ltd co., unincorporated) not just nurseries, which have closed (temporarily) because of Covid and have premises costs i.e. they have to pay rent and/or have a rateable value.
Premises can include shared premises (e.g. a church hall). The business can be in receipt of the Job Retention Scheme money (furlough scheme) and rebates for business rates. They are still eligible to apply. The main criteria is that they normally have premises costs as described above.
Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership – Free Training: Hate Crime – understanding what it is and how to respond effectively.
This half day Hate Crime training course will consider the current laws and legislation including the Equality Act 2010 (protected characteristics) and the prevalence of Hate Crime.
KBSP Training Application Form 2020-21
If you would like to attend this training please send your application form to kbsp.training@bristol.gov.uk.
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