Update 23/04:Early Years Alliance: Covid Impact Survey;Net-Aware from NSPCC; Playworker Chloe: Junk Crafting and Games

Early Years Alliance: Covid Impact Survey

The Early Years Alliance have launched a new survey on the impact of the Corona virus crisis on the Early Years sector – including the latest updates on the CJRS & Early Years funding. The survey is also relevant to Out Of School Settings.

They say they’ll use the responses to help support their continued talks with the DfE and Treasury.

Please take a few minutes to help them by giving your responses:


You can find more details & regular coverage on their campaigning on their Twitter page ( https://twitter.com/EYAlliance ).

Net-Aware from NSPCC

Now is a good time to be thinking about all aspects of e-safety & to find reliable sources of advice & information.

O2 & The NSPCC provide good information via their ‘Net-Aware’ site:

Recent highlights include: ‘Snapchat’s new mental health feature: Here For You UK

Playworker Chloe: Junk Crafting and Games

Here’s how one of the playworkers from the BAND Play and Playwork Course has been occupying herself while not working.

She’s sharing junk crafting and games ideas on Facebook as a resource for families, recognising that not all will have stacks of craft materials at home.

What a great way to use all those materials that normally go in the recycling! Chloe is now creating her own web page to share her ideas too! We’ll let you know the address for that when it’s available.


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