Healthy Eating Week

British Nutrition Foundation Healthy Eating Week takes place 11th-15th June and aims to increase knowledge about healthy eating and well-being, physical activity, food provenance and cooking.  A series of free resources and…

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National Walking Month 2018

May 2018 is National Walking Month: why  not plan an event for your setting to take part?  As part of this, Walk to School Week is 21-25th May: why not encourage all…

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Childcare Vouchers

The Childcare Voucher Scheme, which would have closed to new applicants from 5th April has now been extended to 5th October 2018.  This means that parents/carers who meet the employment criteria and have not yet…

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BAND visit the Play Bus Sensory Truck

Friday, 22 May 2015 BAND visit the Play Bus Sensory Truck As part of our on-going  commitment to inclusion, BAND has run a pilot session with the  PlayBus Sensory Truck to see if  improving…

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Disqualification – Dazed and Confused?

You may be aware that there has been growing discussion, debate, contradiction and general kerfuffle over what exactly are the rules regarding disqualification of a worker due to ‘Association’. This means where…

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Celebrate Brazil 2014

As Brazil hosts the World Cup from the 12th June, we have pulled together some Brazilian themed activities and ideas that you could try out in your setting, alongside their top sport…

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Update on Ofsted Big Conversation

Last night saw the South West Big Conversation meeting enabling Early Years Providers and support workers and representatives from Ofsted to enter in to a dialogue. The Ofsted panel of 4 included…

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Celebrate Brazil 2014

Celebrate Brazil 2014 As Brazil hosts the World Cup from the 12thJune, we have pulled together some Brazilian themed activities and ideas that you could try out in your setting, alongside their…

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