PLAYGROUND PROJECT FUNDERS Successful playground projects need inventive funding solutions. Some of the very best projects draw on several sources of funding. This list is not exhaustive, but will hopefully point you…
Raising funds is an important part of life for many groups.
To help, BAND can provide practical advice and support to childcare providers on how to access various sources of funding.
To aid your search for funds, we have also compiled our large & detailed Funders index with lots of useful & current information.
As well as helping you find sources of funding, we have produced funding guidance sheets offering tips and guidance on developing and implementing fundraising strategies.
PLAYGROUND PROJECT FUNDERS Successful playground projects need inventive funding solutions. Some of the very best projects draw on several sources of funding. This list is not exhaustive, but will hopefully point you…
This is BAND’s list of organisations that award grants and funds in the UK. It contains information on potential donors large & small. This is a resource for anyone to use &…
Inclusive Aerial Workshops 2022… BAND were excited to be back partnering with Nix Barnaville at Engage Circus this Summer, to provide Inclusive Trapeze Workshops for settings supporting children with SEND. We…
Sufficient funding is the foundation for good quality, sustainable childcare. Making the effort to think consistently and creatively about fundraising opportunities is what can put your club on the road to long term success.
This page is a list of organisations who will consider funding sports based activities. You can also see our fact-sheets on how to develop and implement fundraising strategies. Funders index: Sports Active Women…
This part of our directory of funding organisations contains information about groups that can offer assistance with IT funding. Don’t forget to have a look at our free fundraising guide “Funding Your…
BAND would like to extend thanks to all the trusts, foundation and companies that have provided us with funding over the last financial year.
Funders Index: Online Resources & Fundraising Publications: This is our page of useful websites, magazines & books for fundraisers. Don’t forget to have a look at our free fundraising guide “Funding Your…
Support BAND’s work £10 could pay for new books or toys for BAND’s Free Loaning Resource Library £20 could purchase sensory equipment for disabled children £100 could help pay for our free…