Percy Bilton Charity
Only registered charities in the U.K. whose primary objectives are to assist one or more of the following groups: Disadvantaged/underprivileged young people (under 25 years of age) People with disabilities (physical or…
Only registered charities in the U.K. whose primary objectives are to assist one or more of the following groups: Disadvantaged/underprivileged young people (under 25 years of age) People with disabilities (physical or…
The programme’s objective is to support innovative ways of increasing the learning opportunities of people within the UK. Their focus is on arts, education, social justice and social change. Grant areas include:…
Groundwork is working with One Stop Stores Ltd to administer the One Stop Community Partnership programme. Successful applicants will receive an initial grant of up to £1,000 and begin a partnership with…
Apply using the online application form – There are two levels of grant: Small – up to £5,000. & Medium – £5,001 to £30,000 Single and multi-year grants for up to…
The primary areas supported are social needs; youth; education; environment; social enterprise; health care; culture and the arts; and projects that will benefit greater Bristol and its economic development. A sub-committee of the trustees…
The Magic Breakfast is a charitable project (1102510) which delivers breakfast food and nutritional education to UK primary school children at most risk of malnourishment. For more information:
The trust prefers to support children’s and environment charities/projects in Bristol that the trustees have knowledge of, or are connected in some way. No grants are given towards animal charities or individuals….
Breakfast Clubs provide so many benefits; from improved attendance and attainment to tackling hunger in the morning and providing pre-school care. So, it’s time to celebrate the dedication and hard work that…
This is a grant-making trust. Grants are made to charitable organisations working for the benefit of Bristol residents. The Trustees make every effort to grant money diversely in each financial year so…
Will fund general charitable activities and education in the Bristol area. This Trust makes grants to local charities such as hospital appeals and other charities that the trustees are involved in. They…