*WP Post Template: Funder Template Description: Post Template for funding index*/>
This organisation offer small grants of up to £800 to schools and organisations who aim to stimulate interest and involvement in mathematics. Projects working with Key Stages 1-5 up to undergraduate level and beyond are all eligible to apply.
The society is keen to support projects which enhance and enrich mathematical study beyond the national curriculum, engage the public with mathematics and encourage unusual ways of communicating mathematics.
Grants awarded by the London Mathematical Society should have a significant and identifiable impact. This means that projects with very large budgets are unlikely to be successfully funded through this scheme. Grants should also ideally facilitate connections across the mathematical community and/or address a new or wider audience.
To apply, download an application form from the website and return by email or post to the addresses provided. Deadlines occur throughout the year and decisions aim to be made within one month of each application deadline.
Scheme opens on 1st August each year.
W: https://www.lms.ac.uk/grants/small-grants-education
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