Equalities underpin all aspects of our work with children and young people.  It’s a vital part of our ongoing professional development that can get neglected and overlooked.

All Together Now March 28

BAND Equalities Conference: All together now

This is a great opportunity to get together with other practitioners to:

Reflect, explore and debate issues around equalities.

Network with other settings and get ideas and support.

There will be a performance exploring equalities

and displays with information to take away. 

Opportunities like this don’t come round too often!


No limit to booking numbers per setting.

Cost: Free for Bristol-based Ofsted registered childcare workers and Bristol BAND members – though a £50 deposit is required per place booked). £50 all others. 10% discount for non-Bristol BAND member groups.

*Refreshments and buffet lunch provided *

To book places: go to: www.bandltd.org.uk and download a booking form or ring: 0117 9542165 or email: training@bandltd.org.uk to request a form.

Safeguarding Non-Mobile Babies: Addendum for Early Years Settings and Childminders

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