17: Grow Some Cress

 Fill a container (a small pot or tray) with potting soil. Or you can use a few moist paper towels on a tray. Scatter the garden cress seeds over the soil or the paper towels. If you are using soil, press the seeds in lightly and sprinkle lightly with a little extra soil. Place the container or tray in a sunny indoor location, such as on a window sill. Water the container or tray gently with a water sprayer regularly to keep the soil or the paper towels moist. You will have to water more frequently if you are growing your cress on paper towels. Usually, the seeds will sprout in about 2-3 days. Harvesting the sprouts when they are 2-3 inches tall (about two weeks ). Use scissors to cut them about ½ in. Cress is a cut-and-come-again crop, meaning once you cut it, it will just bounce back and continue to grow. You should be able to cut your cress four to five times before it goes to seed. For added fun you could make cress heads and grow your seedlings there, use either an eggshell or make a head out of an old pair of tights and put your moist seeded paper either in the top (egg shell) or inside the top of the stuffed head. Water well.

Watch the cress grow: click here!

*Remember: always risk – assess your activities!





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