Tesco Stronger Starts

The scheme is open to all schools, registered charities and not-for-profit organisations, with priority given to projects that provide food and support to young people. Examples of eligible applications with a focus…

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Suez Communities Trust

SUEZ Communities Trust provides funding awards of up to £50,000 to not-for-profit organisations in England and Scotland. Projects must be eligible under the rules of the Landfill Communities Fund or Scottish Landfill…

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Quartet Community Foundation

The Quartet Community Foundation support small, community-based charities and voluntary groups in the West of England whose work benefits local people. They give grants to a broad range of causes and welcome…

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Provincial Grand Lodge

They help thousands of disadvantaged and vulnerable people to live happy, fulfilling lives and participate actively in society, with grants totaling over £5 million each year. Our grant-making programmes for charities target…

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Paul Hamlyn Foundation

The programme’s objective is to support innovative ways of increasing the learning opportunities of people within the UK. Their focus is on arts, education, social justice and social change. Grant areas include:…

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One Stop – Community Partnership

Groundwork is working with One Stop Stores Ltd to administer the One Stop Community Partnership programme. Successful applicants will receive an initial grant of up to £1,000 and begin a partnership with…

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Merchant Venturers Charity

The primary areas supported are social needs; youth; education; environment; social enterprise; health care; culture and the arts; and projects that will benefit greater Bristol and its economic development. A sub-committee of the trustees…

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Henry Smith Charity

They support projects under the following themes: Improving lives Strengthening Communities County Grants Christian Projects Kindred They also run a Holiday Grants for Children fund that provides grants of up to £2,500…

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Funding for Scouts

Over the years Scouting has been extremely fortunate to receive generous donations from many individuals and organisations who wish to support their work at a national and local level. The result of…

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FirstGroup Plc

Their charitable programmes focus on long-term partnerships in areas that are aligned to their business where they can deploy our scale and expertise to achieve the greatest impact. They support hundreds of…

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