The Charitable Foundation supports registered charities based in the UK where there is clear benefit to the recipients. Donations of up to £6,000 will be considered, that enable specific tangible items or activities to be purchased rather than donating to general funds.

Consideration will be given to charities whose objectives are:

  • To benefit children (aged under 16), through their education and or welfare i.e. literacy, numeracy and reducing poverty.
  • To provide youth schemes and projects supporting those in their late teens / early 20s in socially deprived areas with literacy, numeracy and employment.
  • To support the elderly by reducing isolation, helping reduce the effects of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

The Charitable Foundation requests that the items are to be used directly by beneficiaries and anticipate that the charity becomes the owner of that equipment, responsible for the on-going upkeep and maintenance. The following list provides some examples of activities likely to fall within our main areas of focus:

  • Sensory toys and equipment for children with special needs.
  • Items to care for isolated and/or vulnerable elderly people.
  • Support of specially adapted equipment to be used by people with physical / mental / communication disabilities.
  • Apparatus for children with special needs.
  • Items or tangible social activities for Community Centres providing a benefit to many in the local community and which meet the Charitable Foundations Donations Policy.
  • Provision of tangible and social interaction activities for the vulnerable and/or isolated.