A two part online course delivered by Ben Kingston-Hughes, Play Trainer of the year
Step aboard the miniature submarine as we prepare to journey deep into the child’s brain.
This fascinating course takes a practical look at the vital role of play in developing children’s brains.
(part 1 must have been competed to attend part 2)
In this follow up session we examine the upper brain and how play supports aspects of neurological development that are uniquely human.
Part 1: Tuesday 22nd September 10am – 12pm
Part 2: Wednesday 23rd September 10am – 12pm
Online interactive training via Zoom
To book please contact BAND: training@bandltd.org.uk, include your name, setting, contact details and method of payment.
Places will be confirmed on receipt of payment.
Ben Kingston-Hughes, the director of Inspired Children Ltd, has over 30 years experience working with children in a variety of different settings. He is the winner of the 2019 National Playwork Awards Training Award and finalist for the Nursery World Trainer of the Year. He has spoken at National, Regional and International Conferences including Nursery World and the International Play Association. He has written strategies for Local authorities and has written articles for several publications including Nursery World Magazine. His training has gained widespread acclaim for inspiring learners to improve outcomes for children and he has recently been seen on Channel 4 delivering sessions for children.
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