*WP Post Template: Funder Template Description: Post Template for funding index*/>
The Foundation is keen to support young people who are facing difficult transitions, challenges and barriers to accessing support and opportunities. Particularly young people aged 12-21 who are socially excluded or marginalised; whose experiences can be hidden or less well known; and whose voices are often erased or ignored.
This new programme is aimed at young people who are experiencing or may have already suffered significant issues within their lives. The average grant size is around £5,000-£6,000.
This may, for example, include organisations that focus their work on: young people within the criminal justice system or those at risk of offending; looked after children or care leavers; those with significant mental health concerns or complex needs; young people who have been traumatised by challenging family backgrounds, neglect, violence or abuse; those that have fallen through the gaps in care and/or education; those already affected by, or vulnerable to, exploitation; or whose experiences could seriously impact their transition into adulthood.
Organisations working across a local area such as a village, estate or town, will need to have an income of less than around £100,000. At the other end of the spectrum, if you work across the whole of the UK you will need to have an income of less than around £250,000
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