Funding for Scouts

Over the years Scouting has been extremely fortunate to receive generous donations from many individuals and organisations who wish to support their work at a national and local level. The result of…

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Foresters’ Fund for Children

The FFFC converts the funds it has gathered through sponsorship or donations etc., into grants which are determined and issued quarterly (usually in January, April, July. and September of each year). These…

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Ford Britain Trust

Working with local communities to sow the seeds of change. They pay special attention to projects focusing on education, environment, children, the disabled, youth activities and projects that provide clear benefits to…

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FirstGroup Plc

Their charitable programmes focus on long-term partnerships in areas that are aligned to their business where they can deploy our scale and expertise to achieve the greatest impact. They support hundreds of…

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Inspiring and equipping young people in secondary schools across England and Wales to tackle social issues. The First Give programme is designed to ignite a spark of social conscience in young people….

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Esmee Fairbairn Foundation

The Foundation has recently updated its criteria. Its current themes are: Our natural world A Fairer Future (reopens Oct 22) Creative, Confident Communities For more information please visit:

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Ernest Cook Trust

The Ernest Cook Trust is an educational charity and their vision is for an environmentally engaged society. In the past they have funded projects around: connecting with nature climate change environmental pollution…

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Dulux – Let’s Colour

Dulux believes in the power of colour and is committed to making a positive difference in people’s lives. Dulux has been donating free paint to communities up and down the United Kingdom…

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Denman Charitable Trust

They do not limit their activities to any area of need however they only accept applications from Bristol, North East Somerset and South Gloucestershire. Their preference is to support small local charities…

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Dandia Charitable Trust

Supports disability and educational projects for children. FFI:

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