About This Course:


This course is run by Chris Calland & Nicky Hutchinson – With over 50 years’ combined experience of supporting children’s emotional well-being, The run an independent consultancy Not Just Behaviour www.notjustbehaviour.co.uk

This course is for staff working with pre school aged children.

Course content:

  • Looking at what is unacceptable behaviour
  • Recognising children’s emotional needs
  • Practical strategies and ways to respond to behaviour issues
  • Ways to re-engage children in play
  • Ways to develop positive behaviour in your setting.

Links to the Bristol Standard Dimensions:

  • D1 Values and Aims of the Setting
  • D2 Relationships and Interactions
  • D3 Approaches to Play and Development
  • D5 Play Experiences
  • D8 Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • D9 Partnership with Parents and the Wider Community
  • D10 Monitoring and Evaluation.

Post expires at 11:53am on Wednesday September 18th, 2024

Course details

Date: 19th September 9.30am - 2.30pm Online
Venue: ONLINE View a map

Contact BAND: Training@bandltd.org.uk