In 2021 we launched the Santander Foundation Digital & Financial Empowerment Fund focused on supporting projects that will help people to become digitally and financially empowered.

The programme has the ambition to support UK charities to give people the digital confidence, knowledge, and skills to enable them to make better, more informed decisions about money and have access to financial services.

They provide grants to organisations in the UK, and support you in delivering digital and financial empowerment to people over the next three years.

  • Investing £1.8 million into our Financial & Digital Empowerment Fund in 2021.
  • Aim to award 12 grants of up to a total of £150,000 per organisation. Grants are awarded over a three-year period.

If accepted, you can ask for differing amounts in each of the three years. You can request a minimum of £25,000 in any one year, with the maximum of £150,000 over three years.







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