Ok, it’s the summer. This means it’s up to you all to think of fab, funny and physical ideas for the summer playschemes. It’s great to have a range of starting points for play and using a theme can inspire both staff and children to have great ideas. At BAND we have had a quick think around and some of our ideas are here!

        Gromit Unleashed. The Gromit trail will be up and running, go and spot as many Gromits as you can when you are out and about, you can pick up a Gromit passport at six places in Bristol. http://www.gromitunleashed.org.uk/trail/. You could make your own plasticine models, make animation, create film sets in boxes, dress up as your favourite Aardman characters, dress up as different breeds of dog, visit a dogs home, go to a Dog Show (RSPCA is having a dog show at Weston Beach Lawns on 18th August), or learn how to speak dog, or invite someone from guide dogs for the blind to come into your group.
© and TM Aardman/W&G Ltd. 2013.
® Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Appeal. Charity No. 1043603
Photographer: Oliver Edwards


        Pharaoh King of Egypt. The exhibition will have closed just before the summer, but it could be a fun theme. Dressing up as mummy’s, building pyramid dens, writing or drawing in hieroglyphics, making paper, making masks and jewellery, sun dials, make hummus and pita bread, dress up as ancient Egyptians, make mud bricks. Could be a bit spooky and link to the libraries Creepy House reading challenge. http://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/


        Water Week. Always a summer favourite, it can go in different directions, pirates, under the sea, beaches, submarines, experiments with water. Build boats or submarines, build sandcastles or other sand sculptures, make palm trees (visit the professional sand sculptures at Weston), dress up as mermaids, pirates or fish. Get the paddling pool out, blow bubbles. If you are brave, find out what is on at the Harbour festival for a visit on Friday 26th July. Incorporate a water melon day and use watermelons for boats or a variety of other ideas e.g.: bowling with watermelons and painting!! http://www.growingajeweledrose.com/2013/06/summer-fun-wacky-watermelon-day.html



        “I have a dream”. It’s the 50thanniversary of the Martin Luther King speech and you could find out what your children and young people dream of for the future. Create model visions or inventions, explore who they are, paint self-portraits or take photographs,   (you could combine with a visit to the Photographic Portrait Exhibition at the Mshed), make wishing trees, do dream stories based on consequences game. Think about rights, what do they feel strongly about and want to change or peacefully campaign about?



        Flight. Have fun with all things flying, make lots of stuff, experiment with different shape and materials. Kites, balloons, planes, seeds, leaves. Bird watch, hunt different types of flying insects.  Dress up as flying creatures, think about the different qualities they have, owls vision at night, bees memory of going places, there are more insect ideas inside. Build a box airplane den and have adventures. Visit the balloon fiesta, a bird sanctuary or go to an airshow.


        Space. Is there life on Mars? Imagine the playscheme is going into space and you are all astronauts. Build your space craft, do astronaut training, learn how to space- walk, dress up,  make your Mars planet, take samples of earth to analyse, make contact with aliens, make a box of gifts to explain earth culture. Dress up as aliens or make some.

        Spies and secrets. The Imperial War Museum in London has a new “Horrible Histories exhibition Spies”.  Have a week of  espionage, including codes and ciphers, disguises, camouflage, forgeries and gadgets.
        Nature 99 places Bristol. Did you know there are 99 areas of Bristol that are good for Nature? Have a look at a Bristol map to find one near to you: http://maps.bristol.gov.uk/pinpoint/?service=localinfo&maptype=js&layer=Neighbouring+authorities;Sites+of+Nature+Conservation+Interest
The summer is a great time to have a nature based theme and getting out and about is fun for all. Bug hunts, wildflower surveys, woodland walks (with den building), footprint tracking and pond dipping are always popular. Check out  Bristol events at: http://bristol99.org.uk and ideas at http://www.naturedetectives.org.uk


        Topsy Turvey week. Pretend it’s winter, wear woolly scarfs, have hot chocolate. Wear your clothes back to front, jumble up your language, eat pudding before savoury, walk backwards, make upside down cake, look at the world upside down, use lens or colour films to make glasses. What ways can you make your playscheme topsy turvey?
If you come up with a really good theme, do let us know and we will put it on our ideas website, post it on Facebook and Tweet it too!

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