Tesco Stronger Starts

The scheme is open to all schools, registered charities and not-for-profit organisations, with priority given to projects that provide food and support to young people. Examples of eligible applications with a focus…

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Spielman Charitable Trust

The Trust provides grants to a range of institutions and individuals to help them deal with immediate needs. The Trust also supports a number of charities, particularly those engaged in caring for…

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Suez Communities Trust

SUEZ Communities Trust provides funding awards of up to £50,000 to not-for-profit organisations in England and Scotland. Projects must be eligible under the rules of the Landfill Communities Fund or Scottish Landfill…

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Santander Foundation

In 2021 we launched the Santander Foundation Digital & Financial Empowerment Fund focused on supporting projects that will help people to become digitally and financially empowered. The programme has the ambition to…

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Quartet Community Foundation

The Quartet Community Foundation support small, community-based charities and voluntary groups in the West of England whose work benefits local people. They give grants to a broad range of causes and welcome…

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Portishead Nautical Trust

Relieve and assist young people under 25 who suffer deprivation, poverty, financial hardship or difficulty, parental neglect, lack of control or other misfortune. They support both individuals and organisations in Bristol and…

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Pople Charitable Trust

The Pople Charitable Trust assists children to receive high calibre educational training and to provide appropriate facilities. Additionally, help is given for the provision of facilities for needy elderly persons as well…

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Percy Bilton Charity

Only registered charities in the U.K. whose primary objectives are to assist one or more of the following groups: Disadvantaged/underprivileged young people (under 25 years of age) People with disabilities (physical or…

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Nisbet Charitable Trust

Apply using the online application form – https://www.nisbettrust.co.uk/applying-for-a-grant/ There are two levels of grant: Small – up to £5,000.   &   Medium – £5,001 to £30,000 Single and multi-year grants for up to…

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Merchant Venturers Charity

The primary areas supported are social needs; youth; education; environment; social enterprise; health care; culture and the arts; and projects that will benefit greater Bristol and its economic development. A sub-committee of the trustees…

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