Portishead Nautical Trust

Relieve and assist young people under 25 who suffer deprivation, poverty, financial hardship or difficulty, parental neglect, lack of control or other misfortune. They support both individuals and organisations in Bristol and…

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Percy Bilton Charity

Only registered charities in the U.K. whose primary objectives are to assist one or more of the following groups: Disadvantaged/underprivileged young people (under 25 years of age) People with disabilities (physical or…

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Merchant Venturers Charity

The primary areas supported are social needs; youth; education; environment; social enterprise; health care; culture and the arts; and projects that will benefit greater Bristol and its economic development. A sub-committee of the trustees…

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Kellogg’s National Breakfast Club Awards

Breakfast Clubs provide so many benefits; from improved attendance and attainment to tackling hunger in the morning and providing pre-school care. So, it’s time to celebrate the dedication and hard work that…

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J and M Britton Charitable Trust

Will fund general charitable activities and education in the Bristol area. This Trust makes grants to local charities such as hospital appeals and other charities that the trustees are involved in. They…

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Greggs Foundation

Hardship Support: Funding in the form of small grants during times of financial hardship. Applications are made via approved referral partners and schools within our Breakfast Club network on behalf of eligible individuals. Please…

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Garfield Weston Foundation

The Garfield Weston Foundation funds registered charities (and also churches, educational establishments, hospitals and housing corporations) working within the following categories: Arts Community Education Health Faith Youth Environment Museums and Heritage Welfare…

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Funding for Scouts

Over the years Scouting has been extremely fortunate to receive generous donations from many individuals and organisations who wish to support their work at a national and local level. The result of…

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Ford Britain Trust

Working with local communities to sow the seeds of change. They pay special attention to projects focusing on education, environment, children, the disabled, youth activities and projects that provide clear benefits to…

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FirstGroup Plc

Their charitable programmes focus on long-term partnerships in areas that are aligned to their business where they can deploy our scale and expertise to achieve the greatest impact. They support hundreds of…

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