John James Bristol Foundation

This is a grant-making trust. Grants are made to charitable organisations working for the benefit of Bristol residents. The Trustees make every effort to grant money diversely in each financial year so…

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Hilden Charitable Fund

The Hilden Charitable Fund is an endowed grant-making foundation and a registered charity. They fund smaller UK-based organisations delivering projects within the UK to support social justice and to tackle disadvantage in…

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Greggs Foundation

Hardship Support: Funding in the form of small grants during times of financial hardship. Applications are made via approved referral partners and schools within our Breakfast Club network on behalf of eligible individuals. Please…

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Gane Charitable Trust

Grants to individuals only. Promotion of crafts, further education in the fields of crafts, architecture and design and social welfare. Preference for Bristol, Newport and surrounding areas. Meet: Spring, Summer and Autumn….

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FirstGroup Plc

Their charitable programmes focus on long-term partnerships in areas that are aligned to their business where they can deploy our scale and expertise to achieve the greatest impact. They support hundreds of…

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Denman Charitable Trust

They do not limit their activities to any area of need however they only accept applications from Bristol, North East Somerset and South Gloucestershire. Their preference is to support small local charities…

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CoOp Local Community Fund

The Co-op Local Community Fund is a way of giving back to their members and communities – giving money to local causes that their members care about. FFI:

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Comic Relief

There are a range of funds available that are changing constantly so please refer to the website to check eligibility and for grant guidelines. W:  

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Caudwell Charitable Trust

Supports families with disabled children. Will fund play equipment or specialist equipment. Can help with various costs – see website for further details. This funding is directed at individual children, they do…

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Bristol Impact Fund

In 2017 Bristol City Council set out a new strategic approach to grant investment aiming to tackle inequality. This brought together 8 of the council’s grant funds to create a new programme…

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